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3 Free Jquery Data Tables Library

Setiap website pasti ada saatnya untuk menampilkan sebuah data dalam bentuk tabel. Kebayangkan ribetnya jika kita harus menampilkan 100 data dalam table jika kita masih menggunakan cara lama. Kebayang ribetnya jika harus membuat offset untuk paging table kita. Sekarang gak perlu khawatir lagi, cukup gunain library Jquery Datatable kita gak perlu ribet ngurusin offset paging table kita. Tampilin aja semua datanya tanpa perlu kita atur pagingnya, maka secara otomatis library tadi yang akan mengatur paging tersebut. Enaknya lagi ni, adanya fasilitas berapa jumlah data yang mau kita tampilin dalam satu paging. Udah ah basa-basinya, langsung download aja ni library-library Jquery Datatables pilihan kami. 
1. Flexygrid
Flexigrid is a lightweight but rich data grid with resizable columns and a scrolling data to match the headers, plus an ability to connect to an xml based data source using Ajax to load the content. It supports resizable and sortable columns, different skinning themes, ability to connect via AJAX, pagination, toolbar and search. One of the great thing about Flexigrid is that you will find a lot of sample codes to integrate it in your preferred scripting language. Click Here for download

2. Datatables - Data Table Jquery Plugin

DataTables is a plug-in for the jQuery Javascript library. It is a highly flexible tool, based upon the foundations of progressive enhancement, which will add advanced interaction controls to any HTML table. Some of its key features include pagination, on-the-fly filtering and multi-column sorting. Click Here for download Datatables Plugin

3. Advanced JavaScript Table Sorter

The third iteration of the TinyTable table sorting script adds search, column averages and totals, record numbering, a view all function, and a reset function. At only 6KB it is still lightweight, quick, and includes all previous TinyTable features.

Other features include alternate row highlighting, header class toggling, auto data type recognition, and selective column sorting. Click Here for download Advanced JavaScript Table Sorter


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